Monday, November 3, 2014

EA Tremolo - General Guitar Gadgets

This is the first project I will record on this blog.  I am attempting to build an EA Tremolo effect pedal based off of the information and PCB provided by  I ordered all of the components for this build off of for roughly $30. Could have gone cheaper but I preferred to spring for quality jacks, pot dust covers, and other unessential expenses to ensure that the build would go smoothly. The 1590B enclosure came from eBay costing $6.73.  The PCB was ordered from was $15 total. I had all other tools and parts on hand already so I would rough this project out to be just over $50.  I decided early on that rather than having a basic on/off indicator light I wanted to do the modification that would allow an LED to serve as both an on/off indicator and flash (more of a swelling glow) in time with the tremolo's speed.   This was a very simple mod that required only changing one resistor value and adding a wire to the PCB.  I also wanted to replace the metal baseplate with a piece of acrylic and keep all LEDS internal so that instead of seeing an LED on the top of the pedal, the base would glow in time with the tremolo speed and let me know when on or off.

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